The Great Hesitation

“The Great Resignation” has received a lot of press. There is no doubt that this phenomenon has hit the US, in particular. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers US Pulse survey in August 2021, 65% of employees said they are looking for a new job and 88% of executives said their company is experiencing higher turnover than normal. […]

There is an old Chinese saying “Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos”. I am not sure if I subscribe to this as 2021 was indeed a year of chaos but at the same time, there were many positives. We started Elias Recruitment in May 2000 and […]
Elias Legal Jobs Index Q1 FY22

I am writing this just coming out of 107 days of lockdown in Sydney so how the potential new outbreak affects business confidence is an unknown. Most lawyers I am speaking to are still very bullish and aggressively hiring across most practice areas and levels. We are starting to find face to face interviews are […]
Where are all the lawyers?

Recently I marked 22 years in the legal recruitment industry and I must say that despite any prediction I had when the pandemic hit the market has gone from strength to strength in terms of demand of high-quality lawyers. I have never seen such a candidate short market previously. So where have all the candidates […]
Uncertain times- don’t worry, we are in your corner

Sometimes you need to talk to someone about your career. It is dangerous to speak to colleagues at work so an objective outsider with industry experience is a good option. Here is where an experienced consultant can help. Elias Recruitment has over 20 years helping legal professionals in private practice and in-house legal roles. Our […]
How to position yourself for approaches – Headhunting…

A few touches to your mobile phone and your groceries, an Uber or a pizza come to you. So why not a job? Many of the best jobs are never advertised so how do you hear about them? Good employers know that the best lawyers are so busy running their practices that they don’t have […]
Four Easy Ways To Pimp Your CV

A study by US job board The Ladders found that you have 6 seconds to make an impact or you land in the “Reject” pile. Recruiters (whether agency or internal) tend to zone in on: Name Current title and employer How long you have been at your current workplace and if you are still there […]
Seven Surprising Trends During Covid

Tenders Lawyers Weekly recently reported instead of a decrease in projects due to the pandemic, it appears there is an increase in tender and bidding activity. Coronavirus is forcing a more tech-focused approach which is good news for law firms that were innovative in tech in the pre-pandemic world. Flexibility Whilst there was already a […]
The Dream Job. Are you ready if it knocks on your door?

You are happy in your job. But let’s face it. It’s a job. A means to an end. But what if your dream job was right around the corner. What if an employer was proactively seeking their next superstar and that star was YOU? Would you be ready? Here are some ideas on how to […]
7 Time Management Tips For Lawyers

How do you effectively manage your time? Is there a perfect method? Your job is demanding with long hours being regularly the norm, linked to demands from clients, partners and associates alike. In order to keep up with a seeming never ending demand – time management is imperative. Prioritise your time In an ever changing […]