Make the top of the list! 10 resume tips

Most recruiters or HR Managers get dozens of resumes for every open position. They have stacks of resumes to review, and only seconds to look at each one. That means that your resume needs to pack a punch in a short time – and a small amount of space. To move onto the next round […]
It’s a great market for lawyers on the move

If you are thinking of a change this year, now is the time to start job hunting! If you no longer love your job, you feel ambushed by a merger, your career progression has stagnated, you are under appreciated or you just want more flexibility or a pay rise – it’s a great time to […]
Don’t burn bridges when leaving your job
So you’ve decided it’s time to move on and have secured a great new offer. Here are a few handy tips to ensure you leave your job on good terms. Stay engaged Don’t check out too early. As long as you are drawing a salary you owe it to your firm and your clients to […]
Spruce up your resume in four easy steps

Recruitment season is fast approaching. If you’re looking to make your next move this year, it’s prime time to sharpen or ‘smarten’ your resume! Here are four tips to ensuring your resume gets noticed by recruiters and potential employers. 1. Highlight your accomplishments, recent projects, publications Lead with your accomplishments, especially if you have a […]
Six things lawyers can learn from a workplace culture legend
Ronnie Altit is passionate about creating great corporate culture. As founder and CEO of IT Company Insentra, Ronnie saw Insentra place fourth out of 150 companies in the 2017 Great Places to Work survey. Speaking at the inaugural Legal HR Meetup, Ronnie shared six major insights into how he fostered a happy and collaborative corporate […]
How to future-proof your legal career in the age of Robots
New Law, disruption, legaltech – these buzzwords herald a shift in how the legal profession sees itself, innovations in technology drive down costs and clients demand more for less. There’s good news however, the doom and gloom around robots coming for the jobs of lawyers is largely unfounded. A recent survey by the Law Society […]
Recruiting lawyers ready for digital disruption
Digital disruption, AI (artificial intelligence), legaltech – all these phrases have become synonymous with the change affecting traditional private practice. Lawyers are facing competition from unexpected quarters – the ‘Big 4’ professional services firms expanding their legal teams, while the ranks of in-house counsel also grow. In addition, startups and disruptive technology are turning their […]
Legal in-house roles… four tips to make the move

Looking to move in-house but unsure of where to start? Jason Elias, Managing Director of Elias Recruitment talks through key considerations before you make your move, and what you can do to prepare and be best placed to land an in-house role. 1 Roles are often not advertised “Often in-house jobs are not advertised,” observed […]
Seven simple steps to go from good lawyer to SUPER lawyer!

When clients select a lawyer, technical skills and knowledge are the basics they expect of a good lawyer. What can take you to the next level and differentiate you to prospective clients and increase loyalty with your current clients? After speaking with a number of key HR managers, here are several tips to take you […]
Have the best jobs come to you!

How to position yourself for headhunting. A few touches to your mobile phone and your groceries, an Uber or a pizza come to you. So why not a job? Many of the best jobs are never advertised so how do you hear about them? Good employers know that the best lawyers are so busy running […]