Five wауѕ to асе уоur next ZOOM/ѕkуре interview

Advаnсеѕ іn communications tесhnоlоgу have mаdе the video іntеrvіеw аn іnсrеаѕіnglу соmmоn раrt of thе hіrіng process. Tоdау’ѕ guest expert will оffеr tірѕ to bе ѕuссеѕѕful at уоur nеxt video interview.For саndіdаtеѕ аnd rесruіtеrѕ alike, video interviews саn bе incredibly bеnеfісіаl; саndіdаtеѕ are nо longer bound by geography, rесruіtеrѕ саn lоwеr thеіr hіrіng соѕtѕ аnd […]
Four easy mistakes candidates make – and how to avoid them

As recruiters, we hear, see and are sometimes surprised by some of the easily avoided yet common mistakes we see in the recruitment process. Here are some tips to help you along the recruitment process. Overdoing a cover letter There are circumstances that do require cover letters. Cover letters are not the place to rewrite […]
Research potential employers before applying for a job.

Extensively Research the Company. Your biggest advantage is information, and almost everything you need to know about a company can be found online. Here are the questions to answer about the company you’re applying for: • What does the firm/company do? • What is their culture like? • What kind of people do they typically […]
Are you looking for a recruiter?

Just speak to Elias Recruitment. Seriously though, with almost 20 years of being dedicated legal recruitment specialists and helping legal professionals move both within practice and into in-house legal roles, we are a safe pair of hands with your next career transition. We can offer expert advice and insight into which opportunities will best suit […]
How to position yourself for approaches (headhunting)

A few touches to your mobile phone and your groceries, an Uber or a pizza come to you. So why not a job? Many of the best jobs are never advertised so how do you hear about them? Good employers know that the best lawyers are so busy running their practices that they don’t have […]
Get your credentials and qualifications up to date
You need to ensure that you have been keeping up with all your CPD requirements, and also there are many additional courses and qualifications. We’d recommend our sister site, Bulletpoints ( as a marketplace that allows you to find, book and track all of your CPD requirements. Bulletpoints aggregates courses from over 25 different legal […]
Getting your social media profile ready

You have made the decision to leave, and know what you are looking for. Now it’s time to start getting your social profiles in order. Why do this before your resume? Social profiles provide a point of verification Being easier to find means that opportunities will start to find you Having a strong personal brand […]
Is it time to change jobs?

Before you take the leap, take a moment to ask yourself the following questions: Am I being challenged in my current role? Am I still learning? Do I feel respected and appreciated? Am I developing new skills that will enhance my value? Can I see a future career path? Do I get up each Monday […]
The reverse interview | Top 3 interview questions to ask a potential employer

Most of the time when we’re job searching, we’re focused on how we can impress our future employer and get to the top of their candidate list. We present all the information they may need to know about us, do whatever we can to put our best foot forward and secure that job offer. But […]
Career health check for lawyers

To be happy at work, many of us seek out a positive culture, good relationships with co-workers and an understanding or inspiring boss. But while it’s reassuring to be in a company we like with people we know, being too complacent has the potential to derail our career. If we’re constantly looking inwards, we can […]