Getting your social media profile ready

getting your social media profile ready

You have made the decision to leave, and know what you are looking for. Now it’s time to start getting your social profiles in order. Why do this before your resume? Social profiles provide a point of verification Being easier to find means that opportunities will start to find you Having a strong personal brand […]

Is it time to change jobs?

is it time to change jobs

Before you take the leap, take a moment to ask yourself the following questions: Am I being challenged in my current role? Am I still learning? Do I feel respected and appreciated? Am I developing new skills that will enhance my value? Can I see a future career path? Do I get up each Monday […]

Career health check for lawyers

health check for lawyers

To be happy at work, many of us seek out a positive culture, good relationships with co-workers and an understanding or inspiring boss. But while it’s reassuring to be in a company we like with people we know, being too complacent has the potential to derail our career. If we’re constantly looking inwards, we can […]

Legal market surges in third quarter FY18

market surges in legal jobs

Following a small seasonal Christmas dip, the market bounced back by nearly 50% in most areas. The first three calendar months of 2018 have seen a major growth in legal hiring, with a 50% increase in legal jobs advertised from the second to third quarter FY18 (compare results ‘Legal market cools slightly in Second Quarter […]

It’s a great market for lawyers on the move


If you are thinking of a change this year, now is the time to start job hunting! If you no longer love your job, you feel ambushed by a merger, your career progression has stagnated, you are under appreciated or you just want more flexibility or a pay rise – it’s a great time to […]

Keep your lawyers happy!


Retaining top talent should be a priority for every firm. Turnover is costly in terms of training time, lost work, employee morale – not to mention unhappy clients. With the candidate market for lawyers increasingly tight, it is more important than ever to keep your lawyers happy! By providing a clear career track and support […]

Legal market cools slightly in Second Quarter FY18

The end of 2017 saw a slight drop in legal hiring, with a slight 4.49% decrease in legal jobs advertised from the first to second quarter FY18. This may in part be due to the Christmas break, with many offices winding down activity over summer. This reflects an overall buoyancy in the legal market, led […]

Six things lawyers can learn from a workplace culture legend

Ronnie Altit is passionate about creating great corporate culture. As founder and CEO of IT Company Insentra, Ronnie saw Insentra place fourth out of 150 companies in the 2017 Great Places to Work survey. Speaking at the inaugural Legal HR Meetup, Ronnie shared six major insights into how he fostered a happy and collaborative corporate […]

How to future-proof your legal career in the age of Robots

New Law, disruption, legaltech – these buzzwords herald a shift in how the legal profession sees itself, innovations in technology drive down costs and clients demand more for less. There’s good news however, the doom and gloom around robots coming for the jobs of lawyers is largely unfounded. A recent survey by the Law Society […]

Corporate/ M&A leads legal jobs surge in the first quarter FY18

The first quarter of FY18 saw an overall jump in the number of corporate legal jobs advertised, with 480 jobs listed in July-September 2017, compared to April-June 2017. The big winners were corporate/ commercial/ M&A, property, insurance and intellectual property. Other sectors were also up, including technology and media law, dispute resolution, employment and in-house […]

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