
Deciding On Your Next Legal Job
Deciding On Your Next Legal Job Once you’ve undergone a thorough process of self-assessment, you may decide it’s time to consider a career change within the legal field. Whether you’re a seasoned attorney or a recent law school graduate, making an informed and strategic decision about your next role is crucial.

Is it time to progress your career as a Lawyer? Challenge yourself with this checklist.
Is it time to progress your career as a Lawyer? Challenge yourself with this checklist. Before you take the leap and start looking for your next legal job, take a moment to ask yourself the following questions: Am I being challenged in my current role, in my current company?

What happened in the Legal industry in 2023/24 FY and where to from here?
What happened in the Legal industry in 2023/24 FY and where to from here? First and foremost, we want to express our heartfelt thanks from everyone here at Elias Recruitment. We truly value your support and trust throughout the past financial year. This has been a significant year for

Interview with Jason Elias – Founder and CEO of Elias Recruitment who has just opened a new division of his agency, specifically for legal professional support roles.
You have been in specialist legal recruitment for 25 years. What made you want to launch a division specifically for legal professional support roles? There were two reasons. Firstly, our clients were asking for support beyond recruitment for traditional professional roles. Secondly, I found the right person to head this

Legal Secretaries Today
The role of legal secretary has evolved dramatically over the last 20 years becoming more complex, more technical and more critical to the overall performance of a high functioning legal team. In case you didn’t know, there is a huge shortage of experienced legal secretaries right now. Leading firms are

Advertising for In-House roles
There should be a degree in creating a job title and posting an ad. What responsibilities does the title imply? Will it fit on an email signature or business card? Will it date? Will it offend an existing team member? We think there is one other really big factor that